Music Box

Thrones Of Roll

Writing a follow up to Time After Time was no easy feat. Shane & myself had recruited a band on the back of our debut album & had gained a reputation as a potent force live on the Belfast rock scene. We had fans who loved our debut, so there was pressure to deliver & I think we did with an accomplished collection eclectic tracks.

Writing a follow up to Time After Time was no easy feat. Shane & myself had recruited a band on the back of our debut album & had gained a reputation as a potent force live on the Belfast rock scene. We had fans who loved our debut, so there was pressure to deliver & I think we did with an accomplished collection eclectic tracks. Hurricane was an instant fan-favourite, both heavy & melodic...perhaps darker than anything we had written before, October Crow was slightly Mark Knopfler influenced, Walk On Through had a superb hook, and We Hang On was a wonderful ballad. However, for me, the ambitious epic Say Something stood out...Pink Floyd but heavier, this track took the band into new territory. I felt at this point Shane & I were writing incredibly well together - the consistency of the album is proof should any be required.

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